(Midsummer eve's bonfire / Juhannusaaton kokko)Midsummer is behind us and not that much progress on knitting front. I cannot believe how much I slept during the last 3 days. Napping every day... it must have done good for me though as I feel so refreshed.
Juhannus on takana- ja tulipa nukuttua. Kerrankin. Otin joka päivä päikkärit, mikä sitten puolestaan söi neulonta-ajan minimiin. Toisaalta - nyt on pitkästä aikaa oikein virkistynyt olo. 
I managed to finish the first Vinnland sock and I am half-way through the second one. Should not take that long anymore to finish these.
Sain ekan Vinnland sukan valmiiksi, ja toinenkin on päässyt puoleen väliin saakka. Ei pitäisi enää kauhean kauan mennä näiden parissa.

Lace scarf has grown into 60cm /approx 2 feet . So soft. Knitting this is wonderful.
Pitsihuivi on kasvattanut mittaansa yli 60sentin, valmis pituus on alle 90cm, joten kohta tämänkin ihanuuden neulominen on ohi...
Very little progress? You almost finished the socks, and that was the goal, wasn't it? The socks do look fantastic. I have a silly question: what's the red thing that hold your socks?
that red "thing" is a WIP/dpn-case. Very handy when you want to take your sock knitting with you. You can get it here:
Hehe ... I was also wondering about the red thing :-) Very neat.
And about your progress, well I would be quite happy with it :-)
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