Yesterday , June 10th, marked the safe planting date here in Southern Finland - so according to old folks it is not supposed to go below freezing anymore. Let's keep our fingers crossed for that.
Kesäkuun 10 meni eilen - eli enää ei vanhan kansan mukaan pitäisi tulla yöpakkasia ja olisi turvallista istuttaa ne arimmatkin kesäkukat. Toivotaan siis lämpenevää.
(Potatoes in our veggie patch/Perunat kasvavat kyllä hienosti kylmyydestä huolimatta)
As for our tiny maples - they think it is already autumn. Poor little things are turning red already. *sigh*
Sillä pienet pihavaahteramme luulevat syksyn saapuneen. (en ikinä ole nähnyt moista!) Ja ovat alkaneet punertua, ikäänkuin olisi jo syksy. Sitä se kylmyys teettää. Luontokin on ihan sekaisin. 
I've been keeping warm by knitting Perugino throw in our porch swing. Delicious - isn't it?
Olen pysytellyt lämpimänä neulomalla Perugino-vilttiä kuistin keinussa. Lämmittää suloisesti kun tämä pehmeys on sylissä...
I agree, colors are lovely and it looks so warm and soft.
Drop-dead gorgeous! I've been eyeing the Perugino kit for a while now, but I can't decide on a color. The images on colinette's website aren't very helpful. Is your kit "latte"?
On a different note: NIN and 50 kg of yarn strike my DH as an odd combination, but he says "Hi!" to you regardless. :)
Sigrun : It is very warm:-)
Melanie: Believe it or - My kit is "cappucino" (very lilac,pink,etc. I was surprised by that colour when I got my kit...)
As for NIN, yes - I know, it sounds a bit off, but then again, I think most of us have many different sides in them... and for those who know me - it is not odd at all:-) (it is not the only "weird" combination I seem to have/do...)
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