I mean - are you kidding me? Is this supposed to be summer??? I really should consider moving my family to Australia... (My father-in-law just came over to visit from Perth W.A and it is WINTER there and +20 celsius. How wrong is that???)
Siis mikä kesä? miten voikin aina olla näin helvatan kylmä?? Ihan oikeesti - +8astetta kesäkuussa (eikä ollut eka päivä) - Pitää varmaan oikeasti ruveta harkitsemaan muuttoa johonkin inhimillisemmän ilmaston paikkaan - vaikka Australiaan, jossa on muka talvi mutta päivällä +20. Kelpaisi kyllä tännekin!)
Toisaalta, ei lainkaan hullumpi keli villan kehräämiseen. Wildcraft BFL ja värinä osuvasti Auringonkukat - ehkä niitä jossain vaiheessa sais ihan livenäkin...

That is cold for summer! The winter wouldn't bother me here if our houses were built for it, but mine doesn't seem to warm up. Hope it gets warm soon over there.
I think we must be getting your summer,as it was in the 80s and 90s last week which is Very Unusual in our Pacific Northwest Seattle..
That roving looks so delicious for spinning - I do wish to learn to spin some day!
Your spinning is so even and nice (and the colors lovely). Mine is all bumpy and my mind becomes grumpy but maybe if I practise more I will get there :-)
Sounds that your summer is like icelandic summer, we think it's great if the temp goes over +10°C and if it goes near +20°C we are delighted.
Bumpy-grumpy Sigrun
You really make me want to learn how to spin!
If it is any comfort to you: it's raining in Boston, has been raining, and will be raining all week. I think summer is being washed away this year. :( This doesn't keep public buildings from turning on the air-conditioning: not only is it gray and rainy outside, it's freezing cold inside! Brrrrrrr
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