It keeps snowing more and more. We have probably a half of meter of snow already... Very pretty outside!
I'm participating in alphabet challenge by Finnish Ravelry group Kahelit - and I am a bit behind in showing my projects here. So here come the B-challenge knits that I begun knitting in November (and finished in December... it just has taken some time to take those photos again....)
Lunta vaan satelee - lisää ja lisää. Onhan tuo kauniin näköistä, mutta kyllä pikkuhiljaa alkaisi jo riittämäänkin...
Olen mukana Ravelryn Kahelien aakkoshaasteessa ja hiukan (krhöm...) jäljessä näiden neuleiden esittelyssä täällä blogissa. Eli nyt mennään vasta B-neuleisiin - jotka tosin sain valmiiksi jo viime vuoden puolella, mutta valokuvattua ne on tullut vasta nyt. No parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan?
Yarn: Garnstudio DROPS Delight in #01
Needles: 3mm
This is the ultimate baby knit classic! And this is the first one I make to my own offspring.... Decided on the asymmetrical version - as it looks even cooler than the original one (in my humble opinion) Did not modify anything else. The jacket is just the right size now. Will probably fit up to 3months or so. Very happy how this turned out.
Yarn: Rowan Purelife organic wool in Onion (MC) and Twilleys Freedom spirit (CC)
Needles: 4mm
The original one is knitted in lace but I decided against it once I knew the baby was going to be a boy. So I grabbed some Freedom spirit and used it as contrast colour to the edges and yoke. The yoke has a subtle 2-colour pattern using lifted stitches. This is still too big for the son, but it should fit him by next autumn. Not sure if this is a hit or miss.. Have mixed feelings about the outcome. It looks ok, but I'm not actually jumping in joy here. It is ok - I guess.
Suloisia! Vauvantakin on kyllä mainioita kun ne valmistuu lähes parissa illassa :)
Emma: älä muuta sano. tosi ihania neuloa kun saa valmista hetkessä:-)
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