Tuesday 2 December 2008


As the weather is what it is outside (rainy & bloody dark all the time) I cannot take any pictures there. Photo below is taken when I blocked the lovely Pi-shawl. (I got to confess that it is still pinned down to that bed...)

Pattern: Pi-shawl by Elizabeth Zimmermann from Knitters Almanac
Yarn: Lornas Laces Helen's Lace in "get Knitted" (approx. 4/5th of skein)
Needles: 4mm

I'm still thinking that I might dye this shawl. But not now. If I'm not wearing it when it is this strange pink/purple/orange I'll overdye it red. Maybe.

Pi -huivi valmistui ja on aikas kiva. Tykkäsin kovasti mallista, tosin väri nyt ei ole sitä ihan "minua" joten voipi olla että värjään tämän jossain vaiheessa punaisella. Muuten lanka oli aivan ihanaa (50%merino/50%silkki ei tietysti voi muuta ollakaan kuin ihanaa;-) Ja tämän neulominen oli jotensakin terapeuttinen kokemus. Lukuunottamatta reunusta, jonka neulominen tuntui vievän ikuisuuden.


Sigrun said...

Please, don't dye it. It's so beautiful.
I know it's none of my buisness but ... well I hope you learn to love it and keep it the way it is :-) Bright colors are good for the soul when it's rainy and dark, at least I think so.

A-L said...

Thanks Sigrun,
I have to think about it and see if I wear it...
Btw. I've been wondering if you have a blog on your own - can you share?

Sigrun said...

No, I don't have a blog ... but I am always thinking about it so it could happen ... I let you know when it does :-)