Yesterday was Christmas Eve and we celebrated. We decorated our Christmas tree that my DH had brought in on 23rd. Girls did most of decorating, which explains the placement of gingerbread-decorations and all... (We baked gingerbread cookies on 23rd and iced them...)

Socks for my dad. Very happy with these as well, they fit beautifully and my dad seemed happy to get them.
Pattern: my own
Yarn: 7 Veljestä by Novita in dark blue (between 100-150g)
Needles: 3,25 Harmony dpns
In the morning we went to sauna and my parents arrived to celebrate with us before noon. Had some rice porridge and then continued by just spending time together , eating , lots of chocolate, and after dinner Joulupukki came and we had presents. It is true that Joulu is most of all for children - to see the joy on their faces when they got presents was worth more than anything. (Amanda was jumping up'n'down with every new present and they were so excited...Just wonderful!)
Because it was special day we let the girls stay awake until late (it was probably around 11pm when they finally nodded off) Just a lovely Christmas eve.
Today we've been playing with Singstar (our 5-year-old is really good!! ) eating etc. Weather outside is pretty as well - we had a tiny bit of snow couple of days ago and now it's -3Celsius and we've seen the sun (!a rarity this time a year!)
Ihana Joulu! Pari päivää sitten satoi snadisti lunta ja koko maisema kirkastui. Nyt Joulupäivänä olo on seesteinen ja mukava. Eilinen jouluaatto meni perinteikkäästi - aloitimme joulusaunalla ja jatkoimme päivää syömällä ja seurustelemalla. Aamusella tytöt koristelivat myös kuusen itseleivotuilla (ja -koristelluilla)pipareilla ja lameella. (mikä selittää hieman tuota koristeiden asettelua... Ihan ylös kun on vaikea yltää jos omaa pituutta on vain hieman alle ja hieman yli metri...)
Illalla joulupukki kävi ja toi kasapäin lahjoja. Voi sitä riemua! Kaikki oli niin Ihanaa. Ja "kato äiti tätä" "Voi tätä mä toivoin! " jne. Kyllä joulu on lasten juhla. (ja upeeta kun kaikista lahjoista osaa iloita ihan yhtä lailla - oli ne sitten pieniä, tai suuria)
Sitten Secret Pal 13 toisen kysymyksen kimppuun:
There was a Secret Pal 13 2nd question roughly a week ago -Part A:Are you doing any holiday knitting?
Yes - I did knit a scarf for my friend and a pair of socks for my dad. and I'm still knitting a scarf for my mum...Part B:Have you finished?
Yes and no - I'm still working on it with my mom's scarf but here are photos for the other two: Scarf for my friend -
Pattern: Feather Scarf (slightly modified) by Wenlan Chia from Twinkle's Big City Knits (ravelry link)Yarn: Rowan Ribbon Twist in "Regency" less than 3 skeins (<300g)
Needles: River John 12mm straightI'm very happy with this scarf, I've made one for myself last spring and immediately thought of my friend, then found this beatiful plum coloured yarn and it was perfect match. I hope she likes it as well.
Pattern: my own
Yarn: 7 Veljestä by Novita in dark blue (between 100-150g)
Needles: 3,25 Harmony dpns
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