Wednesday, 20 May 2009


I've restarted sewing and found out that my pincushion is temporarily missing (actually I cannot remember if I still have one? I did 13 years ago, when I was studying design, but after that? no idea...) So I needed a new one.
Decided to use my first own handspun for it.

Olen palannut ompeluharrastuksen pariin ja koska neulatyynyni on väliaikaisesti kadoksissa (eli en muista onko minulla enää sellaista - ihan varmasti oli 13 vuotta sitten Wetterhoffin aikoihin, mutta sen jälkeen??) Eli päätin tehdä uuden ja käyttää siihen ensimmäisen itse käsinkehräämäni langan.Here on needles. The pattern is Tricornu by Jody Pirello from Knotions. Lovely design!

Tässä päällinen puikoilla. Jody Pirellon suunnittelema Tricornu Knotions-nettijulkaisun kevät'09 numerosta. Ihastuttava malli!

All stuffed up and ready. (I'm really happy how my handspun works with the pattern.)

Neulottu - ommeltu -ja pulleaksi täytetty.
Yes . It Works!
Ja kyllä - se toimii!


Sigrun said...

Your pincushion is beautiful, both yarn and pattern :-) Now I have my spindle so I think I better start practicing, think I will start with someting easy. Maybe I should start blogging too?

A-L said...

yes SIgrun - Go for it!!! (both of them:-)let me know how it goes!

Melanie said...

I love the pincushion; it's so cute!!! Also really, really like your new favorite sweater! Many greetings from New Mexico, m.