Finally managed to knit a sweater for Amanda that I've been promising for her for months. Big sister got hers (with stripes) last spring and I've been planning to make one for A as well. I don't enjoy knitting with Novita Havaiji, maybe that's why I have post-poned knitting this one. (also, pink is just not my colour, but girls like it... so pink it is! )

End result is actually better than the first one. I
almost like this one. And the wearer looks happy - so who am I to complain.
Also - the weather has been amazing for the last few days. It is late September and the sun is shining and temperatures rise during the day to 17 C !! Wonderful!
(which is good as the news lately have been truly sad reading. ref.
Kauhajoki tragedy, Truly Awful. cannot even find words to say how bad that feels. And it is already second similar case within one year.)
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