This is a long story of a knitted shawl. It began last May when I cast on for Madli's shawl in beautiful Posh yarn Sadie lace. I had just found the Estonian lace book from our library and absolutely fell in love with the beautiful mix of branches and nupps. (nupps, that later on would drive me nuts)
Tämä pitkä tarina alkaa toukokuussa 2011, jolloin lainasin kirjastosta Nancy Bushin huivikirjan ja ihastuin Madlin huiviin. Nätti oksakuvio ja nypyt kolahtivat ja loin silmukat Posh Yarnin ihanasta Sadie Lace langasta.
Knitting the border was fine - but after that it became boring. Same stitch pattern needed to be repeated 'til eternity... So for quite some time I was very actively not knitting the shawl. Until last autumn , when on my 3rd trimester pregnant, I decided it was about the time to finish the shawl.
Reunuksen neulominen meni vielä innostuksen vallitessa, mutta projektin edetessä aloin inhota nyppyjen neulomista ja saman mallikerran toistaminen täältä ikuisuuteen tuntui vievän noh - ikuisuuden. Niinpä olin pidemmän aikaa neulomatta huivia lainkaan ja se lähinnä marinoitui rauhassa käsityökorissani. Kunnes viime syksynä, ollessani viimeisellä kolmanneksella raskaana - päätin neuloa huivin valmiiksi ennen laskettua aikaani. En ihan päässyt tavoitteeseen mutta pari viikkoa poitsun syntymän jälkeen huivi vihdoin valmistui.
I did not quite finish within the self-imposed timeline but it was close. When finished, the shawl looked ok. I could not wait to get it properly soaked and blocked because blocking lace is like magick.
To my horror, once I sank the shawl into the water the colour started bleeding. It was nothing I'd seen before. Dye just did not stay on. I did everything. Tried vinegar to attach the dye and emailed to Posh Yarn. Advise please! (this was on January 26th - the first of many emails going back and forth between me and Posh Yarn. In the end there were 30 messages....)
Sama toistui aina vaan ja väri valui ja lähti irti, eikä mikään tuntunut sitä pysäyttävän. Kirjoitin epätoivoissani mailin Posh Yarnille ja sieltä pahoiteltiin kovasti asiaa ja neuvottiin kokeilemaan etikkaa. Ei toiminut. Joten lähetin huivin Posh yarnille, josko he saisivat värin fixattua. Väriä nimittäin lähti niin, etten olisi voinut koko huivia käyttää laisinkaan...
Sanottava on, että asiakaspalvelu toimi todella loistavasti. Hätääntyneisiin viesteihini vastattiin heti ja muutenkin jäi todella positiivinen kuva firmasta. (olen ostanut ja neulonut niin paljon Posh Yarnin langoista - että heti ymmärsin tämän langan suhteen käyneen jonkun epätavallisen källin... muut langat ovat olleet aivan ihania ja värit on pysyneet moitteettomasti)
I was pleasantly surprised of the level of customer service chez Posh Yarn and as I could not get the dye fixed with home-methods I sent the shawl back to Wales to be treated so it would not bleed anymore.
Everything seemed to be going ok - until I got a message that my shawl had been accidentally sent to another customer in France and the roving I had received (which I thought was meant for me as the process of getting my problem solved took some time) was meant for that other customer... What a mess.
I have to say I had already lost my hope of ever getting my shawl back even though I got messages that the French customer had promised to send my shawl to me... still - no shawl.
It was not until last Friday April 13th (Friday 13th is really my lucky day!!) when I received a small package from Mijoux France. Inside was my shawl. What a surprise!
No ranskalainen asiakas lupasi useaan otteeseen lähettää huivini minulle, mutta vielä maaliskuun loppuun mennessä en ollut nähnyt huivista vilahdustakaan. Kunnes viime perjantaina (perjantai 13. - aina ollut onnenpäiväni!) sain pienen paketin Ranskasta. Ja huivini oli siinä. Ihana yllätys!
I blocked the shawl (dye still came of a bit but nothing major) and now my well-travelled shawl is finally ready to be worn. It has been in more places than me during last year. Wales - Finland - Hungary(as my knitting project while visiting Budapest)- Finland-Wales - France -Finland. (talking about some major climate impact as well... oh dear.... )
Joka tapauksessa iso ja ihana huivi. Loppu hyvin kaikki hyvin.
In the end - I love that shawl. It's big and beautiful. Yay!
So beautiful and I just love the colour (though it happens to be of the bleeding sort). What an adventure! I'm doing the Crown Prince Shawl from the same book and the nupps and the repeats are driving me bonkers :D
Berenike: I don't know why I'm drawn towards nupps, as they tend to get real painful to knit... but they do look great in shawls.
Lovely shawl but what a story. I don't know what I had done - OMG. Never done nupps, don't know if I ever dare to :) Hope the snow melt's soon.
That's one well-traveled scarf! But it's Oh-so-beautiful; I'm really glad you got it back.
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