However - sometimes Ravelry still is a life saver. I told here about my Rowan Polar jacket that I never finished because I run out of yarn. Then in help came Sigrun - she suggested that I would ask around in Ravelry from people who had that same Polar yarn in right shade in their stash if they would be willing to trade... and last week I finally was able to get a contact with the lovely Claire from the UK - who happily agreed to sell her remains of Rowan Polar to me. A quick paypal action followed and then yesterday the 2+ skeins of Polar arrived! Oh the JOY!!!! Thank you Claire! You saved my jacket! Now I Only have to find time to knit it ... Also thank You to Sigrun who was the mother of the brilliant idea of asking people in Ravelry.
On Ravelrystä hyötyäkin - sen sain huomata, kun neuloessani harmaata Rowan Polar neuletakkia lanka loppuikin kesken. Olin jo epätoivoissani googlannut netin läpi (lanka tietysti mallia "tuotanto lopetettu"...) ilman tulosta, kun Sigrun ehdotti, että hakisin Ravelrystä. Ihmisillä kuulemma oli kyseistä lankaa merkattuna stasheihinsa - ja heistä joku ehkä suostuisi myymään omansa ja postittamaan Suomeen. Eikun kyselemään . Ja löytyihän sieltä ihana Claire, jonka kanssa saimme kaupat aikaiseksi. Nopean ja helpon paypal - maksun jälkeen jäinkin odottelemaan lankoja - jotka saapuivat eilen. Huippua! nyt saan villatakin valmiiksi! Mahtavaa!
On the eco-yarn testing front: I finally received all the rest of the test yarns today. Will start knitting today and also will let you know how those yarns behave on the needles - what happens when they get washed a couple of times etc. Cannot wait to start!.
Uuden Mustan Ekolankatestaus pääsi kuin pääsikin alkamaan tänään, kun posti vihdoin toi puuttuvat 3 lankaa. Testissä mukana siis 5 ekolankaa ja 5 testaajaa ja kommenttejamme voi käydä lukemassa ja kommentoimassa Uuden Mustan blogissa.
I'm sorry you're having such difficulties logging onto Ravelry! Ravelry has cured me entirely of facebook; I'm on Rav every day. :)
I'm so glad that with Claire's and Sigrun's help you can finish your project. Sounds like you're heading for a busy knitting season. Enjoy every moment of it!
I am so glad you got the yarn - looking forward seeing your jacket finished.
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