Ether , or a modified version of Ether has finally got its own photo session and here it is. All sleeveless but still quite pretty. This is my second wrap-around style sweater from
Damask and I still like the rayon/linen blend a lot. It has a great sheen but also a sort of rustic feel to it.
Pattern: Ether by Erika Knight from Rowan Magazine #43,
(ravelry)Yarn: Rowan Damask in
MicaNeedles: 4mm & 3.5mm

The original design has short(ish) sleeves but I decided to omit them as then it would have been stricktly for summer wear.. and let's face it - summer here in Southern Finland is max.3months of the year. The rest of time you
need long sleeves. Or long sleeves and a vest to wear on top of that. At least.

I tried Ether with some of my blouses & tees and noticed it can be worn up or down, depending where I want to wear it. So to work I could wear it like in the photo above- with a nice, crisp white blouse. And for the rest of time - when I'm my usual free-spirited self - I would wear it like in the first photo. With a long sleeved-tee underneath. (it looks nice on its own as well. on bare skin)

btw, I love those ties with tiny knitted leaves on them. I got slightly bored towards the end when knitting this
(why does this keep happening to me? Anyone else feel like that? No matter how great the project is, by the time I'm 80% done I only count for rows when I'll be finished with it... Go figure...) and so I made every single leaf a bit different than the next. Every leaf is unique! Ha. (that kept me amused for a while;-)
All in all - I'm quite happy with my modified Ether. It has nice lines and I think it was a good call to leave it sleeveless. Maybe a bit romantic for me - but fine. I'll wear it anyways.
(maybe I'm mellowing down? Where's my Downward spiral? Nothing that a good dose of NIN could not fix.)
So nice and yes I think many knitters know this 'get bored when almost finished' feeling, at least I do but I just try and ignore it :-)
I will keep this in mind: if my knitting turns romantic/super feminine, I'll listen to NIN! :) I think it's a pretty vest! I like the "rustic" (=free-spirited) look better than the business look, but that's just my white-blouse-aversion speaking.
Lovely! And I really like how it easily "dresses up" for work and "dresses down" for a casual look.
I'm the same as you - no matter how excited I am - before I'm done with a project, I'm ready to move on to the next. This is one reason I've got so many WIPs.
How is being back to work going?
Sigrun: same here - I try to but sometimes it's not so easy - especially when you feel the urge to start next (few) new knits...:-)
Melanie: NIN fixes anything:-) I'm not a big fan of white blouses as well - but sometimes I just have to wear them (or something similar... )
Stash haus: I probably have 6 or seven wip's at the moment. And I'm dying to begin some new ones...(I have cashmere tweed that is really burning my fingers;-)
Being back to work is fine. Love the VPN!! at the moment I'm able to work a lot from home via VPN connection which is so great- and quiet . as children are in day care and it is just silence and me. Almost absurd!
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