Thursday, 17 March 2016

a "Weasley" sweater with a twist - Melkein kuin Weasley villapaita

just finished a new (long awaited) sweater for my eldest daughter. The old one, had served well. But there was a dire need for a new one....
Luckily I got very precise specifications for the new sweater: high neck, sleeves like in the old sweater, loose fit, light blue colour  and her initial in front. Like in Harry Potter. Right.
So this is pretty much a Weasley sweater but knitted from  top -down, with raglan sleeves and colours are pale blue with a dark blue initial.

All very clear, and the sweater is exactly like she wanted it , so yay! A happy customer.

Pattern: none. (knitted according to a wish list)
Yarn: Garnstudio DROPS Big Merino, in #06 & #17
Needles: 5mm

Sain juuri valmiiksi silmukoita jäljitellen kirjotun ison I-kirjaimen vanhimman tyttären uuteen paitaan. Vanha olikin jo kovasti pidetty ja käytetty lähes loppuun. Uudelle oli siis todellinen tarve. Sain onnekseni todella tarkan listan siitä, millainen paita pitää saada, joten neulominen olikin sitten todella helppoa. Toivelistalla oli Harry Potterissa nähdyn Weasley-paidan tyyliin oman etunimen alkukirjain isolla paidan etuosaan. Värivaatimus : vaaleansininen (kirjain tummansinisellä) . Ja paidan piti olla lämmin, tarpeeksi väljä, hihat tarpeeksi pitkät  ja tietysti paidan piti olla pehmeä. Korkea kaulus. 

Noh. Tällaisen neuloin ja neiti oli hyvin tyytyväinen. Tuli kuulemma juuri sellainen mitä oli toivonutkin. 


malin said...

I always feel a bit extra nervous when I hand over a gift that someone has specifically asked for. What if it doesn't fit? What if he/she doesn't like it? But this sweater looks great! And a happy customer makes the maker happy too :)

A-L said...

malin: you've got a point there. I normally only knit for family members though so I have time to ask them their opinion while the knitting is still going on, so rarely there are any issues. Have to say that I'm still nervous when I give knitted gifts: does the recipient like what I've done etc...