Tuesday, 1 February 2011

The ugliest sweater ever - Kaikkien aikojen kammottavin neule

It's the 1st of February and the beginning of the "yarn hamsters". I've just cast on for a lacy (or holy?) jacket in Rowan Little Big Wool and I also got the brilliant idea to rip one of my previous knits... Meet the Udder-pullover!

Helmikuun ja hamsterikuun alku on tässä ja nyt. Loin juuri silmukat ensimmäiseen hamsterineuleeseen - neulon Rowan Little Big Woolista verkkomaisen jakun. Kaivoin kaapin perältä myös yhden suurimmista neule-katastrofeistani - saanko esitellä: Utare-pusero!!
I originally knit this sweater some 3-4 years back or so - the design is by Wenlan Chia of Twinkle and it was in the Vogue Knitting magazine. And for some reason I thought it would look so good... (I know this just goes to prove that at times I have a bit of a self-image issues and some delusions how I will look in certain clothes...)

Anyways - I remember having some doubts about the sweater already when knitting it - but true to my nature I decided that the Twinkle pullover would be "fabulous" when finished... Which it is not. This must be the most unflattering knitted garment ever. I get the long ribbing and reverse stockinette but those bobbles? They are so cleverly placed to the chest and stomach area that they look like I was having udders. (Like a cow - you know...) I think it is clear without saying that I've never ever worn this sweater.

However - the yarn is lovely - I really, really love the burned orange colour (which happens to suit me very well) and the yarn is one of my favourite bulky yarns - Rowan Polar. I have knitted the disasterous sweater double stranded all the way through, which means that I have some 1050g / over 1000meters of this yarn. It should be enough to knit Sylvi. After I get the udder-sweater frogged...Neuloin tämän muutama vuosi sitten ja jostain syystä tykästyin malliin joka oli Vogue Knitting lehdessä. Suunnittelija on Twinklen Wenlan Chia ja jotenkin sain uskoteltua itselleni, että tämä pusero näyttäsi Tosi Hyvältä kunhan se olisi valmis. Näin ei kuitenkaan käynyt, enkä ole ikinä tätä kammotusta käyttänyt.

Design on... Mielenkiintoinen. Helmaresori on mielestäni ihan kiva ja neuleen pituus , mutta nuo "nypyt". Tai siis utareiltahan ne näyttää, kun ovat upean strategisesti sijoitettu mahan ja rintamuksen päälle. Ei mitenkään mairitteleva malli millekään vartalolle!
Lanka kuitenkin on ihanaista Rowan Polaria ja koska olen neulonut koko paidan kaksinkertaisella langalla - niin paidan painaessa hulppeat 1050g mulla olis siinä saman verran lankaa metreissä. (eli reilu kilsa ihanaa poltetun oranssin väristä lankaa!) Kunhan saan paidan puretuksi lankaa pitäisi olla tarpeeksi, jotta saan neulottua vihdoin oman Sylvin. Jihaa!


Sigrun said...

You make me smile (udders - haha) :-) And it sounds very good, you froging that 'not so good looking sweater'and using that lovely yarn to make Sylvi.

A-L said...

Sigrun: I really hope my plan goes well this time - I'd hate to frog this yarn yet again. But Sylvi is such a lovely pattern that I probably don't have to worry about that - eh?

Wollgut said...

This post makes me laugh (in a nice, friendly way)! So many times I've thought I'd love to knit a Twinkle design and use really, really chunky yarn. I'll remember your udders next time I'm tempted!

Can't wait to find out what became of the yarn... I haven't been on your blog for over two months, but you know I have the perfect excuse. :)