And what a perfect marriage it is. I'm thrilled how this one turned out. At first, I was a bit afraid, that all the colour changes in the yarn would hide any pattern I would try. And it does that to some extent, but I think the leafy pattern of Gail is just beautiful when knitted in this yarn. Not everyones' cup of tea, I'm sure - but for me this is the ultimate yarn for the beautiful design.
Kun sain ihanaista 100% merinolankaa SP13 vaihdossa - tiesin siitä tulevan jotain kaunista. Huivi tai pitsinen shaali ehkä? Ja kun törmäsin tähän malliin, niin asia oli sillä selvä. Olen ihan älyttömän tyytyväinen lopputulokseen, vaikka välillä hiukan mietitytti josko värikylläinen Rio de la Plata söisi liikaa huomiota mallikuviolta - Turhaa jännitin, sillä tämä yhdistelmä tuntuu kyllä toimivan... Mahtavan syksyisen sävyinen lanka ja upeat lehtikuviot - niin omantuntuinen asuste kuin voi vain olla!
Yarn: Rio De la Plata and a little bit Baruffa Cashwool for border (and last row, because I run out of RDLP):-)
Needles: 5mm
Wow! What a beauty, you are quite right about this being a perfect marriage. I have become to believe that your 'bewitched fingers' must have some magic in them :-) You are making so many nice things.
Thanks Sigrun:-)
(actually I cannot seem to keep my hands or myself still and calm without knitting etc... that's why bewitched fingers;-)
This is a really beautiful shawl! I love the colors, and I fully agree with you that the colorway works very well with the pattern. Thank you for sharing the link for the pattern. Cheers, m.
That's gorgeous! And I don't think the colors hide the pattern.
Love the handspun, too!
Melanie: Thank you:-)
Stash House: Thank You for the wonderful yarn. Definitely better as a shawl(ette) than socks - don't you think?;-)
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