Wednesday 27 June 2012

Ladybird coat- Leppistakki

It's been a while... Mostly because the lovely son is not sleeping at nights - which makes me über tired. Which in turn means that I have no energy, or the little energy and time I have is spent on resting, reading, and some crafty relaxation. Only now I realise it's been almost two weeks since my last blog update. That is a long time. Way longer than I would like it to be.

Tervehdys taas pitkästä aikaa. Viime blogipäivityksestä näyttää vierähtäneen lähes kaksi viikkoa, mikä on luvattoman paljon. Lähinnä tuo johtuu siitä, että kun poitsu ei kerta kaikkiaan nuku öisin, niin äiti on vähän enempikin kuin vain "vähän väsynyt". Eli se vähä energia mikä jäljellä on suuntautuu lepäilyyn, lueskeluun ja kaikenlaiseen kivaan käsityöhenkiseen puuhailuun.... 

I made this coat for my youngest daughter some time back. It is made from babycord fabric in ladybird print (love that print!) and the lining for hood is orange babycord. Jacket is completely lined (although you cannot see that in the photos) I used an old pale blue cotton sheet for that. Pattern for the jacket is from Ottobre 1/2005- although I did slightly modify it) 
 Leppäkertut paistattelevat päivää nuorimmalle tyttärelle ompelemassani takissa. Takin kangas on ihanan pehmoista babycord samettia - hupun vuori oranssia baby cordia ja vuoren tein vanhasta vaaleansinisestä lakanasta. Kaava takkiin löytyy vuosikerta Ottobresta (1/2005) tosin modasin kaavaa jonkin verran. 

Tytär tykkää ja niin äitikin.


Sigrun said...

Lovely coat and the fabric, love ladybirds.

berenike said...

What a cute coat, really bright colours in children's clothing is the best! Hang in there and just try to get as much rest as possible :)

A-L said...

Sigrun : I just had to have that fabric when I saw it on line.

Berenike: Thanks - I try. I know from the experience that this is just a passing phase we're going through... but it is still harder than I remembered (maybe has something to do with me no longer being under 30 and so...)