Plus that now that I have used up more than 3,5kilos of my stash I think I've deserved some more yarn. Or at least I don't have to feel guilty of buying more yarn. I've already browsed through my favourite online yarnstores but have bought nothing so far. Maybe next week eh? I'm anyways going to buy the new Rowan magazine (I always do - even though I very seldom knit anything out of it - funny that...)
Eli helmikuun mukana loppui lankahamsterointi tällä erää - ja pääsin uuteen ennätykseeni. Helmikuun aikana neuloin 17 projektia ja 3647grammaa lankaa pois nurkista pyörimästä. Eli nyt voi taas ruveta katselemaan hyvällä omallatunnolla lankakauppojen nettisivuja... ;-) Oikeisiin livelankakauppoihin tuskin enää eksyn kovin usein. Ainakin ostokset jäänee laihoiksi - kun hintataso täällä on mitä on. (Kävin eilen lankakaupassa ja siellä oli samaa sublimen lankaa jota olin ostanut briteistä nettikaupasta hintaan £2,90 kerä - eli siinä alle neljän euron /kerä - niin lankakaupassa saman langan hinta oli 7,90 eur! siis ei niin mitään järkeä...)
So far I have only introduced a handful of finished knits that I completed during February and I also have some (4) other knits I knit even before that - so for some time it's going to be a "tadaa"-blogging here. (Learned this saying from one of the Finnish knitting blogs - there was a discussion how some knitting blogs actually show also wip's and how the knitting is progressing - but most knitting blogs seem to be "tadaa" - Here's the FO I made" - and no word about knitting it beforehand... I think I stand somewhere in-between. I know I like blogs where I can actually see what people have on their needles and their thoughts about the process, and then the FO is a goal they reach at some point... )
Back to some FOs- I finally tried felting in the washing machine - which has been quite popular in Finland for a while. I made these mittens - that looked huge before felting:
But after a 40degree cycle in the washing machine they were exactly the right size. I embellished them as well - (something I very rarely do) and embroidered Triquetras with chainstitch. Love the outcome. I cannot believe I actually managed to make these.

Yarns: Novita Huopanen in green & brown and some Markka's hand-dyed sock yarn for embroidery
Needles: 8mm dpns
Hurja langankulutus! Olen samaa mieltä Huopasesta, lopputulos huovutuksen jälkeen on inhottavan myökkyistä.
Holy cow! I say you deserver some new yarn! :)
Those mittens are great. Did you run them through one cycle or did it take several?
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